All State Policies: Ohio

Who’s Responsible?

Below are short descriptions of relevant state agencies/departments by policy topic, followed by more information on specific policies.

Drinking Water: Ohio EPA’s Division of Drinking and Ground Waters “participates in many activities to ensure Ohio’s tap water is safe to drink and our precious water resources are protected for future generations.” DDAGW ensures compliance with the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and regulates and monitors Ohio’s more than 4,800 public drinking water systems. Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules administered by DDAGW can be found here. Ohio Department of Health has established drinking water standards for private water systems based on the federal drinking water standards for public water systems.  



Drinking Water

House Bill 166 (Creates FY 2020-2021 operating budget)


The 2020-2021 operating budget invested $172 million to the H2Ohio fund in the state treasury, which will be used by multiple agencies. The fund is to be used for the following:  

“1) Agriculture water projects;  

2) Community water projects;  

3) Nature water projects;  

4) Awarding or allocating grants or money, issuing loans, or… purchases for the development and implementation of projects and programs, including remediation projects, that are designed to address water quality priorities;  

5) Funding cooperative research, data gathering and monitoring, and demonstration projects related to water quality priorities;  

6) Encouraging cooperation with and among leaders from state legislatures, state agencies, political subdivisions, business and industry, labor, agriculture, environmental organizations, institutions of higher education, and water conservation districts;  

7) Other purposes, policies, programs, and priorities identified by the Ohio Lake Erie commission in coordination with state agencies or boards responsible for water protection and water management, provided that the purposes, policies, programs, and priorities align with a statewide strategic vision and comprehensive periodic water protection and restoration strategy.” 

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H2Ohio Plan (HB 166)

House Bill 166


The 2020-2021 operating budget invested $172 million to the H2Ohio fund in the state treasury, which will be used by multiple agencies. The fund is to be used for the following:  

“1) Agriculture water projects;  

2) Community water projects;  

3) Nature water projects;  

4) Awarding or allocating grants or money, issuing loans, or… purchases for the development and implementation of projects and programs, including remediation projects, that are designed to address water quality priorities;  

5) Funding cooperative research, data gathering and monitoring, and demonstration projects related to water quality priorities;  

6) Encouraging cooperation with and among leaders from state legislatures, state agencies, political subdivisions, business and industry, labor, agriculture, environmental organizations, institutions of higher education, and water conservation districts;  

7) Other purposes, policies, programs, and priorities identified by the Ohio Lake Erie commission in coordination with state agencies or boards responsible for water protection and water management, provided that the purposes, policies, programs, and priorities align with a statewide strategic vision and comprehensive periodic water protection and restoration strategy.” 

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Control of lead and copper – lead service line requirements (Ohio Administrative Code, Rule 3745-81-84)


Ohio’s Lead and Copper Rule was revised to require specific work practices when performing field work that could disturb LSLs, starting on October 1, 2018. The water system must notify customers of the work performed at least 45 days in advance and explain the risks involved (including the potential for higher levels of lead in water). “The water system shall identify the initial number of lead service lines in its distribution system… The water system shall replace annually at least seven per cent of the initial number of lead service lines in its distribution system.” Water systems are only required to replace the part of the lead service line that they own. They may offer to replace the portion owned by customer but do not have to cover the cost of replacement. Testing of partial LSL replacements will take place and the results reported to owners/customers. A “water system shall offer and provide drinking water treatment unit filters up to a period of three months to consumers in the area impacted by the replacement.” 

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HB 512

Passed 5/25/16, went into effect 9/9/2016

This Act amended the Revised Code to establish requirements governing lead and copper testing for community and nontransient noncommunity water systems, revised the law governing lead contamination from plumbing fixtures, and revised the laws governing the Water Pollutions Control Loan Fund, Drinking Water Assistances Fund, and the Ohio Water Development Authority. It ensures stricter compliance with the federal LCR. The amended code requires public water systems to conduct sampling for lead and copper and establish a schedule for sampling that considers the age of the water system, whether the public water system is complying with corrosion control requirements, and other risk factors. HB 512 re-defines the term “lead free” by significantly reducing the amount of lead from 8% to a weighted average of 0.25% lead. 

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Environmental Justice

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Healthy Rivers

State of Ohio Isolated Wetland and Ephemeral Stream General Permit


The Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency “hereby authorizes the filling of, and the discharge of dredged material into, Category 1 and Category 2 isolated wetlands where the proposed project involves the filling of, or the discharge of dredged material into, Category 1 and Category 2 isolated wetlands of a total of ½ acre or less, and any filling or discharge of dredged material into ephemeral streams, in accordance with the conditions specified in Parts I through IX of this general permit.
Coverage under this general permit is conditioned upon payment of applicable fees, outlined in Part II. below, and submittal of a complete Pre-Activity Notice (PAN) when required. This Isolated Wetland and Ephemeral Stream General Permit shall be effective for five (5) years.”

Part 1. Coverage Under this Permit

“Isolated Wetlands: Coverage under this permit is limited to the filling of, and the discharge of dredged material into, Category 1 and Category 2 isolated wetlands of up to a total of one-half acre or less. The filling of, or discharge of dredged material into, greater than one-half acre of Category 1 or 2 wetlands, or any Category 3 isolated wetlands is specifically not authorized under this general permit.
Ephemeral Streams: Coverage under this permit is limited to the filling of and the discharge of dredged material into ephemeral streams, as defined herein, determined to not be waters of the United States and not subject to Section 404 or 401 of the Clean Water Act.”

View the Ohio Revised Code here. 

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Open Water Data

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