
SB 49 (Act 21, An act relating to the regulation of polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking and surface waters)


A summary of the Act is available hereThe Act requires all public community water systems and all nontransient noncommunity water systems (water systems) to conduct monitoring for the maximum number of PFAS detectable. If monitoring confirms regulated PFAS contaminants in excess of 20 ppt, the water system needs to implement treatment to reduce PFAS contaminants to below 20 ppt in the drinking water. On or before February 1, 2020, the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) had to adopt a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for five listed PFAS.  ANR will issue a plan for the statewide investigation of potential sources of contamination from PFAS substances and the contamination of PFAS from landfill leachate.  

In March of 2020 the Vermont Water Supply Rule was revised to incorporate the PFAS Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 20 parts per trillion. 

  • Action Agency(ies): Agency of Natural Resources
  • Policy Champions: Senator Brian Campion, Vermont Natural Resources Council
  • Read the full policy language

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