All State Policies: Washington, DC

Who’s Responsible?

Below are short descriptions of relevant state agencies/departments by policy topic, followed by more information on specific policies.



Drinking Water

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Environmental Justice

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Healthy Rivers

Emergency Rulemaking: Critical Area General Rules, D.C. Mun. Regs tit.21, § 2500-2505, 2599


Clarified that wetlands which had been removed from Waters of the United States (WOTUS) protection were still subject to 401 permitting under DOEE regulations. On May 14, 2021 DOEE adopted a final rulemaking to add new Chapters 25 (Critical Area – General Rules) and 26 (Critical Area – Wetlands and Streams) to Title 21 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR). The rules establish the process for a project that proposes to impact wetlands and streams in the District.

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Open Water Data

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