Workforce Development and Brownfield Revitalization: The Emerald Trail Stewards Program

Tuesday, 05/06/2025
1:00 pm EDT - 2:30 pm EDT

Event Info

In our Brownfield Nonprofit Speaker webinars, we explore the intersection of community development, environmental justice, and brownfield revitalization. These webinars are designed to inspire and inform nonprofits interested in leveraging brownfields to meet their community-centered missions. Through engaging discussions and real-world case studies, we aim to showcase the potential of brownfield land reuse as a powerful tool for positive change. In this webinar, Groundwork USA and Groundwork Jacksonville will explore brownfield revitalization and workforce development, highlighting the Emerald Trail Stewardship Program, which hires and trains local residents to construct and maintain The Emerald Trail, a 30-mile urban trail and park system connecting multiple former brownfield sites.

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