David Sligh

David Sligh has worked with perseverance and enthusiasm for more than 35 years to protect streams and water quality and to make government regulators responsive to the public. He is a strong advocate and is always ready to give citizens advice and encouragement in fighting battles for clean water. He is devoted to pushing for ever stronger and more creative use of the Clean Water Act. David has worked as a government regulator and for non-profits on every level: as a volunteer leading local grassroots citizen groups, executive director of a watershed group, a Riverkeeper, and a representative of national and state advocacy groups. David currently serves as Conservation Director for Wild Virginia and has a consulting business, through which he has worked for numerous non-profits as a lawyer, a technical analyst, and an expert witness, and has contributed hundreds of hours of his time each year for the last 6 years. He has worked on water quality issues in 10 states and the District of Columbia.