
Resilience at the Water’s Edge

It’s sticky hot and humid here in North Carolina right now – the kind of days that don’t really cool down all that much at night. And even though those of us who grew up or have lived here for a long time are well used to it, it’s going to keep getting hotter. Already… Read More

River Network Announces 2016 James R. Compton River Achievement Award Winner

Boulder, CO (May 24, 2016) – River Network has named Wilma Subra of New Iberia, La., the 2016 James R. Compton River Achievement Award winner. The award was given in recognition of Subra’s long-term dedication to addressing environmental and human health impacts, including her extraordinary attention to issues concerning water resources. Subra’s background includes more… Read More

EPA’s Stormwater Rule for Small MS4s

Is your watershed covered by one of the country’s 6,700 small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (Small MS4) permits? If so, EPA’s proposed rule may affect how polluted stormwater runoff is addressed under the Clean Water Act in your area. Back in August last year, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Environmental Defense Center (EDC)… Read More

America’s Largest Conference of River Enthusiasts to be Held in Grand Rapids in 2017

For Immediate Release For more information, contact: Becca Marcott, Digital Marketing and Event Manager, River Network 503-617-0236 | bmarcott [@] See also and BOULDER, COLORADO – January 14, 2016 – River Network announced today that it will hold its 2017 “River Rally” in Grand Rapids, Michigan on May 8-11, 2017. The annual… Read More

A Big Year for the Clean Water Act

Way before I ever came to work at River Network, The Clean Water Act Owner’s Manual, written by my colleague Gayle Killam, was a well-worn favorite for me and continues to be my regular go-to guide for how the law works. So, as the landmark Clean Water Act turns 43, we thought a look at some of the changes over the past year that continue to affect the details of the law and how it’s implemented would be useful.

A Day Without Water

Even writing here from North Carolina where we’re under a flash flood watch following days of prolonged rain, a day without water isn’t so hard to imagine given that most of the state has been abnormally dry or under moderate drought lately. But take a second to imagine – what if there was really no water? No clean water to drink, no water with which to flush the toilet, nowhere to paddle and nowhere to swim? Water is essential and we wouldn’t last long, which is why the Value of Water Coalition is working to highlight the need to invest now in our water systems.

Clean Water Rule Finalized!

“So if when a first order stream and a first order stream come together they make a second order stream, what do you get when a second order stream and a second order stream come together?” I heard my scientist-husband ask my daughter. “A fourth order stream,” she responded like any arithmetic-focused kid. But what… Read More