
Letting Rivers Flow for People and Nature

As part of the 7th Environmental Flows Workshop, Walker Basin Conservancy led a tour of Walker Basin, including a stop at Walker Lake where participants learned from Chairwoman Andrea Martinez about restoration priorities for the Walker River Paiute Tribe.
Forty people disembark from a charter bus outside Reno, Nevada, and step out to a sunny, clear day and an expansive lake in the Great Basin desert that holds stories of trials and tribulations. The travelers were on a field trip as part of River Network’s seventh Environmental Flows Workshop, a gathering of environmental flow... Read More

Mentally and Physically, Trees Make a Difference

Genesee Conservation District in Flint, Michigan is leveraging an Inflation Reduction Act grant from the Forest Service to provide residents with greater access to nature, green spaces, and the city’s parks to create a tranquil retreat for adults and youth and enhance their mental well-being. (Photo courtesy Genesee Conservation District)

This piece was written by Regan Davis Hopper, U.S. Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program and originally appeared on the Forest Service website. Crossposted with permission. During my dad’s recent hospital stay, I witnessed the healing power of trees. He was assigned to a room that looked out at a bleak brick wall. Needless… Read More

Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program: Sunset or Sunrise?

This post, written by Shelby Cline, is the fifth blog post we’ve published about the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). The program was first funded through COVID-19 legislation in the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA, December 2020) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA, 2021). For additional background information on this program, check out our... Read More

Introducing the River Rally Story Lounge!

The first-ever River Rally Story Lounge will be the go-to conference space for deep, interactive story sharing: a new platform to amplify successes from across the national network of water, justice, and river advocates. One of the most inspiring and energizing aspects of each River Rally is connecting with peers in the water space and… Read More

Scaling Up Local Capacity for Multi-Benefit Watershed Projects

What kinds of support do small, rural organizations need to lead multi-benefit watershed projects? It varies, but the need for additional capacity support to lead these projects is huge, and River Network and our partners in Colorado are coordinating to deliver that support. What Are Multi-Benefit Projects? These are river/watershed protection, conservation, and enhancement projects... Read More

$2 Billion Available Now to Advance Equitable Climate Resilience and Pollution

A flooded park with trees and swing sets, set against the Houston, Texas skyline.

Across the network community-based groups are organizing to address pollution and build resilience to climate change in their communities. Now, through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) the EPA has launched the groundbreaking Community Change Grants Program investing an unprecedented $2 billion in environmental and climate justice activities to benefit “disadvantaged communities.” It will fund projects… Read More

Reflecting on World Day of Social Justice

For me, the term social justice brings up a few concepts: fairness, equality, well-being, rights, opportunity, community. The United Nations notes, “social development and social justice are indispensable for the achievement and maintenance of peace and security with and among nations…” In honoring the work that has already been done in the name of social... Read More

Water Policies for 30×30: The America the Beautiful for All Coalition 2024 Policy Agenda

Photo by Vanessa Velazquez.

Over the last two years, River Network has served on the Steering Committee of the America the Beautiful for All Coalition. This ambitious and extraordinary coalition brings together land, freshwater, and ocean advocates to conserve 30% of lands, waters, and oceans by 2030 centered on equity with twin goals to: Conserve, connect and restore at… Read More

Changing Narratives in Milwaukee with Water Infrastructure Dollars

Milwaukee Water Commons 2022 We are Water Event brings neighbors from around the city to the shore of Lake Michigan to celebrate their shared relationship with water. (Photo credit - Joe Brusky.)
We often talk about: what is the wraparound community benefit of these programs? And how is it changing that narrative of segregation in Milwaukee?” -Joe Fitzgerald, Policy and Advocacy Manager with Milwaukee Water Commons Learn about our federal funding support. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has global recognition as a water-centric city, however depending on where you live,... Read More

Help Ensure Lead Free, Safe Drinking Water for All!

Almost 50 years ago, Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) giving a mandate to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to keep our drinking water safe. Congress banned the installation of lead pipes to deliver drinking water in 1986 because it recognized the dangers of lead exposure. However, millions across the country still have... Read More

Network Success Born from Online Learning

Shelby Cline and Colleen Walters contributed to this piece. We've found the SRF Advocacy Training Series and Toolkit to be extremely useful and have even directed more of our staff members to complete the training to learn more about our current SRF advocacy priorities. I actually keep the SRF Advocacy Toolkit up on my computer... Read More

Resilience and Connection in the Hudson River Valley

In our just-released 2023 Impact Report, you’ll meet the Hudson Valley Flood Resilience Network (FRN), a network of municipalities that addresses flooding, co-facilitated by longtime River Network member Hudson River Watershed Alliance (HRWA). FRN and HRWA's work intersects with each of River Network's focus areas in unique ways. This relationship though, has its headwaters in... Read More

Unpacking the Barriers to Accessing Federal Dollars

Five white sandbags rest on a makeshift dam, holding back floodwater along a city street lined with trees. Some people are floating in a raft in the background.

In the wake of new legislation, communities and groups working on climate infrastructure are scrambling to take advantage of massive, newly available funding opportunities. The passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act made more money than ever before available to fund climate resilient infrastructure. Billions of dollars in federal grants are… Read More