
Introducing River Network’s State Policy Hub

Which states have passed laws regulating the pervasive PFAS that contaminate our drinking water? What does a human right to water resolution include? How are states advancing the removal of lead service lines and reducing the risks of lead exposure from the water coming out of our taps? With support from the Water Foundation, River... Read More

Integrating Equity Into Integrated Water Management Planning

Still water of the San Antonio River with banks of yellow and green trees and paths on either side.
The San Antonio River near the Blue Star Complex. Photo by Vanessa Velazquez.

Water is a critical resource. We depend on it for our communities’ health, economies, and environmental and social resilience. But managing our available water resources to meet those diverse needs is a complex exercise. Over the past two decades, Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) has emerged as an approach to navigating these complexities, providing a… Read More

Building Strong Champions with Professional Development

To address today’s water crisis, the national network of water protectors needs strong leaders. That’s why Building Strong Champions is the essence of River Network’s mission. At its core, Building Strong Champions is building the capacity of individuals and organizations. This blog post is the third in our series highlighting this work: professional development, a… Read More

EPA Needs to Hear from Us: Fix Clean Water Act Rollbacks!

After the Dirty Water Rule went into effect in 2020 more than half of the nation’s wetlands and streams lost Clean Water Act protections. Every day the Dirty Water Rule stays in effect streams and wetlands across the country are at risk of destruction and pollution. We need the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to… Read More

Online Accessibility as a Component of Water Equity

Laptop, mouse, and water cup with straw sitting on a desk overlooking the city of Milkwaukie.

For years, River Network has hosted online webinars, trainings, and peer calls to engage members of the water community around relevant and topical issues. But as many organizations, including River Network, have ramped up online events and digital outreach in the last few years, and particularly over the past 18 months in response to COVID-19,… Read More

New Community Leadership Programs for Climate Resilience Launched with River Network Support

Last November, River Network published part one of a two-part toolkit series on Equitable Climate Resilience. This first tool, titled Fostering Community Leadership, introduced community leadership development programs as a way to center equity in conversations, decisions, and community impacts related to climate change. We put the tool to work at the beginning of 2021 by granting three organizations  funds, planning resources, and direct… Read More

Community-Led Research Projects Underway in 8 Communities: What Have We Learned?

Three women at a training in a conference room laugh while doing an interactive learning activity.

River Network kicked off 2021 by granting 8 local organizations with funds and technical assistance to design and implement community-led research projects in their communities: the last eight months have been ripe with direct consulting, peer calls for our cohort of grantees, resource sharing, and research to support diverse projects. Community-led research, or CLR, is a strategy that… Read More

Putting Data to Action: Community Science, Partnership, and Advocacy for a Healthy Schuylkill River

This blog post was originally published by the Delaware River Watershed Initiative. Steps toward change happen with collective action. In late June, staff from Bartram’s Garden shared their story of how they used their data and collective voice to highlight water quality issues and demand the attention of the governing agencies of the tidal Schuylkill River in… Read More

Introducing River Network’s Equitable Infrastructure Toolkit

“Inequality impacts rivers, too, because that’s where it ends up ultimately.” –Catherine Coleman Flowers, River Rally 2021 How are decisions to use green infrastructure versus a detention pond to control stormwater runoff made? What are the options for making water rates more affordable? How can states prioritize those most in need through their water infrastructure… Read More

Rethinking Staff Holidays – Another Step in our Journey Toward Inclusion

We at River Network have tried to maintain transparency and open communication regarding the evolution of our work on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Being a network and a capacity-building organization, we take great pride in our approach to “learning in public” and sharing our ever-evolving thinking and processes related to EDI with our network…. Read More