
River Rally 2021: A Second Virtual Experience!

Last spring, we made an extraordinary decision to take River Rally 2020 virtual in order to protect our community and our team from the health risks of COVID-19. With only six weeks to completely remake our annual event, learn new technology, and reframe expectations, River Rally 2020 was a success, thanks to the patience and… Read More

Advancing Racial Justice

Sunrise Movement Bay Area organizers demand a Green New Deal Now as wildfire smoke in CA has caused hazardous air quality turning the sky burnt orange.
Megan Nguyen is the recipient of River Network's 2020 Emerging Leader Award. Watch “Finding My Voice”. Climate Justice = Racial Justice Climate change affects everyone on this planet, especially marginalized communities. Racial and ethnic minorities will experience negative climate change impacts first and the worst. In my home state of California—and the entire West Coast—we... Read More

An Update from River Network’s Staff Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

Over the course of the past decade, River Network’s work on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) has deepened significantly, focusing on both internal aspects of our organization and external programming. Initially, much of that work happened organically and, admittedly, somewhat haphazardly. A staff person tweaking one aspect of a program here (often in response to… Read More

Using Community Led Science to Manage Wild and Scenic Rivers with the National Park Service

Paddling the Lumber River. Photo by David Thebeau.

What do dragonfly collection, snorkeling to observe mussels and bioassessment workshops on Wild and Scenic Rivers have in common? This summer, these activities are part of three of the seven projects selected for funding as part of a new partnership between River Network and the National Park Service. All around the country community-based organizations are… Read More

Wild and Scenic Rivers Stewardship Partnership Funding Awards 2020

For the second year, River Network is working with the US Forest Service (USFS) to provide local organizations with funding for their work to steward our many, diverse Wild and Scenic Rivers. These rivers flow throughout the country and help protect some of the nation’s free flowing rivers, providing opportunities for recreation, protecting drinking water,… Read More

Onward! Keeping Up the Momentum in the Delaware River Basin

Photo via Shutterstock
I’ve worked in watersheds all throughout the western US—the Klamath River Basin in California and Oregon, Walker Lake in Nevada, the Colorado Delta, the Columbia River Basin in the northwest—and they all brought with them interesting challenges, complex landscapes, and most notably, passionate individuals. Their passion came from a truly personal place: a place of... Read More

River Network Stands in Solidarity with the Black Community

Friday, June 5, 2020 – We would like to take a moment to build on the statement we made just under a week ago as we’ve observed, acknowledged, and participated in the events that have unfolded across the nation. Every state in the nation held protests against the unjust murder of George Floyd this week. We recognize that… Read More

River Network Statement on Central Park Racism

Friday, May 29, 2020 – This week’s events highlight the systemic racism that pervades our society, and its direct impacts on the everyday lives of Black Americans. Black Americans frequently face racism in outdoor spaces, including around and on the rivers and waterways our network works diligently to protect and preserve. River Network believes all people… Read More