Water Policies for 30×30: The America the Beautiful for All Coalition 2024 Policy Agenda
Over the last two years, River Network has served on the Steering Committee of the America the Beautiful for All Coalition. This ambitious and extraordinary coalition brings together land, [...]
Modernizing Irrigation Infrastructure with Colorado Farmers & Ranchers
In just six months, three new Project Coordinators, working with Colorado ditch companies and farmers and ranchers, have identified over 50 multi-beneficial projects to implement across the [...]
Authentic Community-Water Utility Partnerships Yield Big Results
In Tucson, Arizona, water is scarce and temperatures can be scorching. As part of the Colorado River Basin, demand for water is outstripping availability, due in part to climate change. Tucson is [...]
Integrating Equity Into Integrated Water Management Planning
Water is a critical resource. We depend on it for our communities’ health, economies, and environmental and social resilience. But managing our available water resources to meet those diverse [...]
Fostering Community Leadership: Putting the Research to Work with Three Network Members
In November 2020, River Network published a new network resource: Tools for Equitable Climate Resilience: Fostering Community Leadership. The toolkit outlines equitable and intentional ways to [...]