Peer Groups

Members of the Urban Waters Learning Network at River Rally 2024 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Members of the Urban Waters Learning Network at River Rally 2024 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Colorado Stream Management Plan Peer Learning Network

The Colorado Stream Management Plan (SMP) Peer Learning Network is aimed at providing coalitions across the State of Colorado who are working on state funded SMPs with a space for sharing knowledge, resources, and tools.  The CO SMP PLN includes an online Resource Hub, trainings, and workshops to support the emergence of a more effective, capable, and connected network of SMP leads and coalitions.

Meeting Frequency: Quarterly calls

Staff Contact: Chelsea Silva

Request to join the Colorado SMP Peer Learning Network.

Drinking Water Access Exchange

This group was created to share and receive pertinent updates on the fight to halt water shutoffs and restore water access during the COVID-19 pandemic, and now serves as a platform for all working on drinking water access issues to share solutions and collaborate.

Frontline groups, advocates, and others are invited to join and learn more about what’s being done across the country to end water shutoffs and ensure safe and affordable water for all.

Meeting Frequency: Monthly

Staff Contact: Erin Kanzig

Request to join the Drinking Water Access Exchange.

Federal Water Policy Update

A space for advocates to stay up to date on key federal policy issues with other local and statewide water protection groups. Theis mailing list, newsletter, and calls are spaces for NGO clean water advocates.

Communication Frequency: Monthly email and peer call

Staff Contact: April Ingle

Request to join the Federal Policy Update peer group:

Subscriber Preferences

Members get access to the online community of water, justice, and river advocates; the monthly River Voices and Connect & Learn monthly newsletters; inclusion on the Water Protectors Map; and more!

Nutrient-Reduction Forum

Are you dealing with CAFOs in your region? Worried about stormwater runoff into your local lakes and rivers? Join the Nutrient-Reduction Forum to share resources, ask questions, and learn about nutrient-reduction opportunities and strategies with others from across the country.

River Network also convenes Quarterly Nutrient Pollution Reduction Forum Calls for network members to connect, share information, and collaborate on nutrient pollution reduction efforts.

Meeting Frequency: Quarterly

Staff Contact: April Ingle and Erin Kanzig

Request to join the Nutrient Reduction Forum.

SRF State Advocates Forum

The Forum is a diverse, nationwide community of practice focused on increasing equity in implementation of SRF dollars. The Forum creates opportunities for advocates to learn, share lessons, and synergize across geographies and levels of government to pursue more equitable and climate-resilient infrastructure investments. Participants include experts, state and national advocates, local leaders, and residents motivated to address water infrastructure challenges and advance procedural, distributive, and restorative justice. The Forum also has a website with recordings of past calls, an extensive resource library, and advocacy tools. Explore at

Meeting Frequency: Quarterly

Staff Contact: Erin Kanzig

Request to join the SRF State Advocates Forum.

Leaders of Color Network

The Leaders of Color Network is an affinity space and mutual aid hub for BIPOC folks working in water. Whether you’re seeking advice on a particular challenge or looking to make new connections and build community, we got you! This space is for all of the above and more. There are no expectations around commitment – feel free to drop in whenever you have capacity. This is a space for and by BIPOC-identifying folks. If this is not an identity you hold, please consider joining one (or more) of our other wonderful peer groups!

Meeting Frequency: Quarterly

Staff Contact: Ayana Harscoet

Request to join the Leaders of Color Network.

Urban Waters Learning Network

A partnership between River Network and Groundwork USA, the Urban Waters Learning Network (UWLN) is a nationwide peer-to-peer network of individuals, organizations, and communities working to conserve, restore, and revitalize America’s urban waterways. We deliver tools, training, mentoring, and financial assistance that help network members expand access to clean water and build healthy and resilient communities and ecosystems for everyone.

Meeting Frequency: Quarterly

Staff Contact: Diana Toledo and Renée Mazurek

Request to join the Urban Waters Learning Network.