Event Info

The SRF State Advocates Forum is hosting a three-part series on the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). Following an introductory overview of the program in the first training, Training 2 will explore how the CWSRF can fund projects that bolster climate resilience, address non-point source pollution, and build green stormwater infrastructure. You’ll hear about program specifics, state examples, and more from Shanyn Viars, Associate Director, Water Economics and Policy and Lia Mastropolo, Director, Clean Water Supply, both from American Rivers. The training will include an interactive activity and space for group Q&A and discussion.
This 3-part training series is intended for anyone interested in clean water infrastructure funding, particularly individuals working at community based organizations and nonprofits that are seeking an onramp to engage with local and state advocacy opportunities related to water infrastructure funding. You are welcome to share the registration link with anyone you think may be interested. If you’re an advocate interested in this work and not already a member of the SRF State Advocates Forum, sign up here!
Registration link: https://rivernetwork-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqfu6trjwvGtLLUkE8PZ8-OM00PEyDEtjK