Unlocking Resources: Leveraging Federal Funding through Nonprofit-Municipality Collaboration
Event Info

Accessing federal funds is no small feat – but applying through a strong partnership can help to lighten the load. In this panel discussion, hosted and facilitated by the Southeast Sustainability Directors Network and River Network, two advocates will share their experiences with forming strong partnerships between community-based organizations (CBOs) and local governments.
Romona Williams, Executive Director from Mississippi Communities United for Prosperity, and Casi Callaway, the Chief Resilience Officer with the City of Mobile, AL, have successfully navigated building partnerships to access federal funds. They’ll discuss the advantages and challenges of securing funding for climate resilience projects, with a focus on the ways CBOs and local governments can support each other – in community engagement, organization, project planning, and execution – to develop more compelling federal funding proposals.
Register using this link: https://rivernetwork-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtdOCgqT4rE9AaDgxP3GRQrL8Vraf5AqXf