The Story of Flow Funding
Imagine you’re a community leader fighting for greenspaces, extreme weather preparedness, responsible development, clean water, and access to basic needs for your friends and neighbors. You have ideas—your own and your community’s—to address these challenges, but every funding opportunity you apply for and receive comes with red tape and overhead.
Now imagine you’re a River Network Flow Funder, trusted to flow funding directly to these community leaders without restrictions or constraints. What change would these communities see? What ways would lives be improved? How would the creativity and flexibility of local leaders—those who know their community needs best—lead to bigger impacts than any outside entity could ever imagine?
Since 2021 over $300,000 has flowed, from a private donor to River Network to Flow Funders, to 34 recipients. The process and work is all rooted in trust and create its own ripples in and across communities from Detroit, to New Orleans, to New Jersey, to Texas, to California. Each recipient, a local leader or community organization, has taken this trust-based investment and turned it into a unique and community-specific benefit to improve lives.
We believe equitable and enduring solutions start with community – created with, by, and for the people most impacted. Trust-based philanthropy like the Flow Fund is an effective and meaningful way to support exactly that. Now, see this belief in action through the stories of some of the Flow Fund recipients, and the countless ripples their work has sparked.
What’s the Flow Fund?
We started the Flow Fund in 2021 with four leaders from our nationwide network—Arthur Johnson, Monica Lewis-Patrick, Teresa Davis, and Daniel Wiley—who agreed to roles as Flow Funders. After three years together, the roles of players in the Flow Fund Circle have shifted. Arthur and Monica remain and Sharee Harrison, one of Daniel’s recipients, has moved into the funder role. Teresa’s role has been multifaceted and impactful—beginning as a Flow Funder, she then transitioned into a leadership position with River Network, before returning to her roots as Founder of Communities of Love In Action (C.O.L.I.A.), a Flow Fund recipient.
“The Flow Fund is one of the best things in the country right now… Members of these frontline organizations know worthy participants and worthy organizations should be part of [philanthropic] decision-making…
The people closest to the problems are usually the people closest to the solutions.”
-Monica Lewis-Patrick, CEO of We the People of Detroit and Flow Funder

“I thought at first that, ‘okay, when you’re on the other side of the fence to give, that it would make you feel maybe more empowered.’ But for me… it humbled me.”
-Arthur Johnson, CEO of Lower 9th Ward Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development and Flow Funder
Trail Mix: Building Connections to Nature in the Oranges
Daniel chose Sharee and Trail Mix as one of his Flow Fund recipients in 2023 and 2024. Trail Mix serves as a guided tour for Orange and East Orange youth, seniors, and everyone in between to be introduced or rediscover the accessible land preserved close to them. Trail Mix hikes take place in the South Mountain Reservation, led by Sharee and community partner Mike Brick.
In 2025, Sharee is joining the Flow Fund Circle in a new role: Flow Funder. We’re thrilled at this ripple of the work and eager to see where this new path leads for Sharee and her recipients.
There’s no glass ceiling. There’s no stipulation. There’s no, ‘You can’t do this.’ There’s no need for only to serve this group of people… It’s open to everyone. And what Trail Mix does is, we’re able to bring urban communities—that right now buildings are being built, houses being taken and they’re feeling displaced—but we’re able to bring them up to green lands, green spaces in our areas that they have no idea exist, that you can never be displaced from, and that you will always consider your own. And you always will be welcomed there, and you always will feel, ‘I’m a part of something.’”
– Sharee Harrison, Trail Mix Creator, Flow Fund Recipient
Mapping Trail Mix’s Ripples of Impact
In March 2024, River Network staff traveled to Orange, NJ to engage one flow fund recipient—the Orange HUUB—in a Ripple Effects Mapping session. This is a storytelling and evaluation tool to collect stories to evaluate the impact of the work that was funded, including community gardens in 2021-22 and the Trail Mix Program from 2022-24.
Participants in the session were familiar with the programs of the Orange HUUB or with the City of Orange more broadly. They shared stories, reflecting on the ways that the HUUB programs make people feel more connected to each other and to nature. They also noted the physical and mental health benefits inherent in breaking down barriers to accessing green spaces in the City of Orange.
Using a community benefits analysis (*based on the Community Capitals Framework), these reflections were categorized into natural, cultural, built, human, social, political, and financial benefits.
What the analysis shows is that social and human benefits are the largest assets of the programs. And social benefits, research shows, are the foundation on which all the others grow. It also shows opportunities for growth, particularly in political and financial spaces.
The good news is — Sharee Harrison — the founder of the Trail mix program and a consistent flow fund recipient has recently moved into the role of a River Network Flow Funder, enabling her to flow more dollars into her community and continue this work.
Learn more about Ripple Effects Mapping in the March 2025 episode of At the Water Table, River Network’s podcast.
A Conversation with Daniel Joseph Wiley and Sharee Harrison
Listen in on the recording where River Network staff, Renee Mazurek talks to both Daniel and Sharee for a “Meet your Network” interview.

While Daniel has moved on from the Flow Fund Circle, we appreciate his time and dedication to his community in Newark. He shared with us that he’s taking all that he learned with him.
“This [work] actually sparked another idea for another Flow Fund Circle… I think about: what else can we fund that deals with that cross-section [like art and anti-violence]? I was talking to the person that runs the local Little League… he was telling me about our old neighborhood. He doesn’t get a lot of kids to play because they can’t afford the uniforms, they can’t afford the registration, etc. So we basically got a group of people to commit to donating X amount of dollars to give to our local non-profit, which is Ironbound Community Corporation to make sure that we get at least 10 kids registered for next year’s Little League. So it’s pretty exciting. As a kid who grew up in a baseball family and playing little league and knowing how much it impacted my life, I was like, ‘This is pretty cool, so glad that can happen.'”
-Daniel Joseph Wiley
Detroit’s Water Warriors’ Ripples
Flow Funder Monica Lewis-Patrick is CEO and co-founder of We the People of Detroit. Many of her recipients are in the Detroit area—fellow Water Warriors—but the circle also extends out to West Virginia and California. This picture of the ways clean water issues span the nation and the importance of working across distance and difference is clear in this particular group of recipients. All are passionate local leaders who deeply know their community’s challenges, from orange toxic water due to mountain top mining, to education support for single mothers, water access, and affordable housing, and all have found a lifeline in the Flow Fund, ensuring their work continues.
For la Asociación de Gente Unida por el Agua (AGUA), Flow Funds supported a trip to DC to engage directly with partners and lawmakers on water justice. For recipient Gwen Howard, who used the funds to support Redeem Detroit, the Flow Fund gift rippled into matching funds of $100,000 to expand their programs.
Monica spoke about recipients Paula Swearengin and Gwen Howard at River Network’s Virtual Town Hall event in January 2025. Enjoy the clips below to get a sense of the passionate people behind these Flow Fund dollars.
I was moved when we went to D.C., seeing other AGUA members who shared their experiences in the fight for water justice. I was also moved a lot when we shared our experiences from the week during the trip, and the fight that many people have gone through over so many years, and yet their passion continues – it was very powerful.”
-Rosa Carrillo Orozco, AGUA Member
…what I love about the Flow Fund is that we have no idea—no idea—the kinds of impacts those dollars have until we follow up with the nominees. And every year it never fails that the timing of it was truly a lifeline to an organization or a leader of an organization doing critical work.”
-Monica Lewis-Patrick
Leona Tate Foundation for Change
The Leona Tate Foundation for Change—an organization that focuses primarily on educating the public on the lessons of the Civil Rights movement—has been a mainstay of the Flow Fund Circle since its inception in 2021 and originally funded by Arthur Johnson. For Arthur, it was important to include Leona Tate and the Tate, Etienne, and Prevost (TEP) Center as his recipient as a way to preserve history, educate the community, and provide affordable housing in an area heavily affected by Hurricane Katrina.
After a Flow Fund Circle trip to the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans in 2023, Teresa Davis was so moved by the work that they are doing, she also selected the foundation as a recipient. Listen as Teresa talks about The Leona Tate Foundation for Change and why she selected the organization as a flow fund recipient.

While it is now known as the TEP Center, the building was once the McDonogh #19 Public school: the school that Leona Tate and classmates Gail Etienne and Tessie Provost integrated in 1960. The building was closed in 2004 then damaged in 2005 by Hurricane Katrina. In 2009, Dr. Tate established the Leona Tate Foundation for Change and worked for many years to redevelop and reopen the school. The lower level serves as a museum and education center grounded in racial equity principles while the top level provides affordable housing for elders in the community. See photos below from the Flow Fund Circle’s tour of this historical landmark.

Living Philanthropy: Stepping into Love in Houston
Teresa Davis’s role has been multifaceted and impactful in the Flow Fund Circle. Beginning as a Flow Funder in 2021, she played a key role in pioneering the River Network Flow Fund Circle platform since its inception. In this capacity, she directly led and shaped funding initiatives, empowering and financially supporting individuals and organizations alike. She then transitioned into a leadership position with River Network, furthering its mission, before returning to her roots as Founder of Communities of Love In Action (C.O.L.I.A.), a recipient of the Flow Fund Award, continuing to cement her dedication to Trust-Based Philanthropy and community-driven change.
2021 Recipient Bridget Murray talks about ACTS
2022 Recipient: Delores McGruder’s Mustard Seed Program
Miss Delores McGruder, an individual with a vision and passion for youth, is a community activist in Houston’s Fifth Ward Historical District. Her work focuses on bringing children to the table to talk about climate change and water quality, water justice, and youth education and literacy. She developed the Mustard Seed Program using her money to fund the program that brings together youth and their parents about climate change. Speaking of Miss Magruder Teresa said, “It is an honor and privilege to support and award Miss Delores McGruder and the Mustard Seed as a 2023 Flow Fund Recipient.”
2023 and beyond: Communities of Love in Action (C.O.L.I.A.)
In her own voice, Teresa sings about the work she does in community with C.O.L.I.A. developing sustainable agriculture in the 5th ward of Houston.

Teresa Davis on the impact of Flow Funding:
“It has been transformative in the way of seeing my community members being empowered by this word [philanthropy], encouraged to step off into leadership, not being afraid to own their narratives and their stories, not being afraid to say, you know what, I may not understand all of the language, but I do have a gift and a talent that I’d like to offer up. Not quite sure how that fits into this space, but is it OK if we could co-create and co-design together?
All of that has been very encouraging and empowering for me and I’ll tell you why. Because it’s a bottom-up approach. We step into that community. I don’t step inside a community without acknowledging that they really are the subject matter experts of this work. So, when I show up, I’m showing up as a servant leader, and I have an offering. I’m coming to offer you something, not to take anything away from you. It has been most rewarding because they see me as someone who’s coming to build capacity, strength and educate. All of that is very factual. But what’s most empowering and transformative is that I received so much reward and a blessing for just being a part of that space with them. “