Community Water-Energy Savings Calculator
The Community Water-Energy Savings Calculator is designed to provide an estimate of the amount of water, energy, CO2 and financial savings associated with indoor water efficiency improvements at the community level. After selecting the appropriate state, users can select from five different residential indoor end-uses of water – toilets, showerheads, dishwashers, clothes washers and faucet aerators – to assess the relative savings of each approach.
Although national averages are provided, users are encouraged to contact their local water and wastewater utilities to determine the energy intensity of their water systems. After filling in water system energy intensity values, the user then selects the size of their community or program target group and the anticipated market saturation of the product, or the percentage of households the target community that are expected to install the device. This allows users to compare the savings that would result from varying levels of program participation, as well as the relative savings achieved from different water efficient devices. Click on the “Assumptions” tab in the bottom left corner to view the data behind this model.
To use this tool, data is entered on the left-hand side of the screen and the results display to the right of the white divider line. The data and assumptions behind this tool can be viewed by clicking on the “Assumptions” tab in the bottom left corner of the workbook. Please note that these models are designed for educational purposes and are not intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of a given scenario.