River Network Stands in Solidarity with the Black Community
Friday, June 5, 2020 – We would like to take a moment to build on the statement we made just under a week ago as we’ve observed, acknowledged, and participated in the events that have unfolded across the nation. Every state in the nation held protests against the unjust murder of George Floyd this week. We recognize that these protests are a response to something much larger than the events that unfolded in Minneapolis. River Network stands in solidarity with the Black community and the fight against police brutality and racial injustice in all its forms.
We have committed ourselves to the fight for water equity and this necessarily includes racial equity. What we have seen this week, throughout the course of this pandemic and for months, years, centuries before this is that the systems that order our daily lives cause harm to countless individuals based solely on their race. This past week we stood witness to the Black community coming under attack for simply existing.
We recognize that racism knows no physical bounds, including those of our natural spaces, and that it is absolutely necessary to speak and take action. We are committed to action. River Network will actively engage allies in our network and work to address the racism that pervades our systems. We welcome all that are interested in joining this conversation and commitment.
As part of this work, we have compiled a list of resources for nonprofits navigating anti-racism work and will be launching a community conversation space for those in our network who are ready to do the work of unlearning and relearning and creating a more just and peaceful world.