River Voices: April 2018

Welcome to the April 2018 edition of River Voices. This issue includes a sneak peek at River Rally and the Wild & Scenic Rivers 50th Anniversary, plus an introduction to Jorie Emory, our Community Strategies Director and River Rally leader, who is passionate about the intersection of community arts and grassroots environmental advocacy. Check out funding opportunities for River Network members, plus the latest webinars and resources.
Wild and Scenic Rivers at River Rally
From the trout filled waters of Michigan’s Au Sable River, to the Amargosa—flowing mirage-like through the Mojave Desert—national Wild & Scenic rivers are shining examples of our national waterways. As the Wild & Scenic Rivers (WSR) Act turns 50 this October, River Network and many others are celebrating the Act’s successes—over 12,000 miles of 200+ rivers designated in 40 states and Puerto Rico—and pondering what comes next.
Over the last few months, we’ve been talking with grassroots organizations to learn more about the threats to their local Wild & Scenic Rivers, and future needs for river advocates. Preceding River Rally, we are hosting a meeting to discuss findings and map out concrete actions and goals to sustain the WSR system for the next 50 years. Registration for the April 29th Wild & Scenic River Pre-Meeting is open. Here’s a sneak peek of some of the issues we’ll likely discuss.
Meet Our Team
Meet Jorie Emory, River Network’s Community Strategies Director. Jorie leads a range of cross-organizational activities, including providing leadership for River Rally. Jorie holds a Ph.D. in Arts Administration, Education, and Policy, and also is an accomplished weaver and printmaker. Read more about Jorie’s work.
River Rally 2018
This year’s River Rally is going to be incredible! Start mapping your schedule, choosing from over 70 workshops, keynotes, and plenaries—plus field trips, films, and fun. GOOD NEWS: You can still get an early-bird discount on registration but only through Friday, April 6th. Register today.
Mentorship at Rally
We have recruited top-notch, nonprofit experts with years of experience in the field. Mentors are available for 45-minute sessions during Rally, but you must sign up prior to Rally! The sessions fill up fast. Please check the workshop schedule in our 2018 River Rally Program before committing to a time. Learn more and sign up today.
The environmental movement and the civil rights movement are two sides of the same coin: EPA was born from an all-too-familiar compulsion to fight for basic rights—the right to clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and healthy land to raise our families.
–Mustafa Santiago Ali, in “John Lewis’s Advice for Defending Our Health and the EPA: ‘Get Into Good Trouble'” (Blavity.com, 2018)
Our Voices Heard: Congress Funds Clean Water, Air, and Land Programs
Over the past year, River Network and thousands across our network spoke up. We told the President, the EPA Administrator, and Congress that we need a well-funded EPA because our communities depend on the agency’s programs to protect and restore our air, land, and water. These collective efforts paid off. Last week, Congress passed and the President signed an omnibus spending package that rejected the proposed cuts to EPA and other environmental programs. Read more on our blog.
Upcoming Webinars & Events
Wild and Scenic Rivers: Plug-and-Play River Celebration Opportunities
April 5, 12:00–1:20 pm MST. 2018 marks the 50 year anniversary of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. Join us to learn about how your organization can easily put on celebration events including film festivals, video contests, and more! This is a free webinar. Learn more and register.
Going Back to Basics: Leading Effective Grassroots Campaigns
April 17, 1:00–2:15 pm PDT. When we connect with people one-to-one we can move mountains. This session explores how to take digital organizing to neighborhoods and build powerful alliances to impact change. This is a premium webinar open to paid River Network members only. Register here.
National Water Dance
April 14. National Water Dance is creating an opportunity for dancers of all ages and movers of all kinds to experience the power of art and performance as a vehicle for social change. Check out the events map and join by live stream on April 14th. Learn more.
Water Decision Makers: How to Engage Them for Winning Partnerships
May 15, 1:00–2:30 pm EST. Navigating the world of water governance can be difficult. Hear from advocates and water utility representatives, and learn how best to influence local water decisions. This is a premium webinar open to paid River Network members only. Register here.
Planning a Restoration Project? Get Funded
Are you planning, designing, or implementing on-the-ground restoration projects that will restore river flows and/or recharge ground water? Would you like the opportunity to share your projects with businesses who may be interested in providing support for your projects? If the answer is “Yes!” be sure to check out the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank, a new opportunity for paid members of River Network to use a national platform to attract funding.
Careers & Professional Opportunities
Check out our network’s job board for the latest water-stewardship career opportunities. Have a job to post? Submit a job here.
Funding Opportunities
Paid River Network members enjoy this premium benefit! Submit projects to the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank. Learn more.
River-Science Connection
Do you need science or technical support? River Network members can post detailed requests at the River Science Connection. Get paired with the right resource.
Contact Us
Are you looking for training in water stewardship, organization leadership development, or water science and policy analysis? Contact us.