River Voices: April 2019

Welcome to the April 2019 edition of River Voices. Read about River Rally 2019’s most exciting new format, the Idea Exchange, an opportunity to connect over today’s hottest topics. Plus, meet Adam Marciniak, Board Member of Friends of the Black River, and check out the latest tips and network news.

Rally Up for Idea Exchanges
River Network is excited to announce the launch of Idea Exchanges which are designed to build knowledge and establish networks related to specific issues. The first Idea Exchanges will take place during River Rally 2019, June 21-24 in Cleveland, Ohio. “Groups are tackling important issues at the local and state level around the country – but there’s the potential to work together on some key topics to better leverage the power of the network to address these issues together,” says Katherine Baer, River Network’s Science and Policy Director. “The Idea Exchanges provide an exciting chance, starting at River Rally, to share ideas on select topics and find out how we might tap into each others experience and expertise to achieve a bigger result.” Read more about the Idea Exchanges.
We have a vision that a better organized, more robust, and empowered grassroots network of water protectors can more successfully hold local, state and federal decision makers accountable for protecting public health, safeguarding our environment, and making our communities more resilient to the threats of climate change. This vision motivates us to go deeper on the key issues critical to addressing today’s water crisis, and bring our network’s ideas and potential influence forward.
–Nicole Silk, President of River Network
Early-Bird Ends 4/30
Register for River Rally 2019 in April and take advantage of significant early-bird discounts. Early-bird pricing is available for full conference or single-day registration. Registration includes access to River Rally programming, included meals, and social events. Early-bird registration CLOSES April 30th! Current dues-paying River Network members receive additional discounts. Register today.
Drinking Water Guide

COMING SOON! River Network’s interactive online Drinking Water Guide: A Resource for Advocates will launch this month. Supported by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the guide provides in-depth information and resources on drinking-water fundamentals. “Drinking water issues are complex and difficult to understand,” says Alliance for the Great Lakes Policy Director Crystal Davis. “This new guide is a valuable resource to educate and inspire action.”
Meet Our Network: Adam Marciniak
From urban water advocates to wild and scenic river champions, we are lucky to know and work with these local heroes who safeguard water for our families and communities.
“Cleaning up the Black River is very important to me, because it affects me directly. But this sense of stewardship should be passed to the community as well, because the community is here because of the river,” says Marciniak.
We invite you to get to know outstanding water champions taking action for clean water and healthy rivers. Click here to meet Adam Marciniak.
Urban Waters Learning Forum 2019
The 2019 Urban Waters Learning Forum will take place on Friday, June 21st, 2019 at the Westin Cleveland Downtown, at River Rally in Cleveland, Ohio. Hear more about the forum from past attendees.
This in-person networking opportunity is sponsored by EPA and hosted by River Network and Groundwork USA. The Urban Waters Learning Forum is open by invitation to all EPA Urban Waters Small Grant recipients, Urban Waters Federal Partners, and other urban waters practitioners. Our goal is to foster networking, mentoring and learning. Learn more and register.
Upcoming Webinars & Events
Wild & Scenic Film Festival
April 27, 7:00-10:00 pm PDT, San Francisco, CA. Join Wild & Scenic Film Festival for a night of environmental and adventure films that will inspire activism and transport you to the farthest reaches of the globe. Mingle with guests, filmmakers, and activists. All proceeds benefit South Yuba River Citizens League. Learn more.
Understanding Gentrification & Displacement
May 5, 12:00–1:30 pm EDT. The first in a series hosted by the Urban Waters Learning Network, this webinar aims to frame the topics of gentrification and displacement as well as provide an example of the types of multi-sector partnerships that urban waters practitioners can create to ease displacement pressures. Free. Register here.
Community Rain Barrel Workshops
Spring–Summer 2019, various locations. River Network’s Project Rain Barrel helps communities and homeowners across the U.S. and Canada reduce their water footprints by providing materials, support, and promotion for rain barrel making workshops. Find events near you.
Colorado: Love Local Water Cleanup Events
Spring–Summer 2019, Colorado locations. Join River Network headquarter staff to show love for streams, creeks, springs, lakes, reservoirs and rivers. Cleanup events take place in the Boulder area. Show some love to our favorite local creeks, then join us for a discussion and a beverage at a local business. Learn more and RSVP.
Member News & Tips
Careers & Professional Opportunities
Check out our network’s job board for the latest water-stewardship career opportunities. Have a job to post? Submit a job here.
Funding Opportunities
Paid River Network members enjoy this premium benefit! Submit projects to the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank. Learn more.
Contact Us
Are you looking for training in water stewardship, organization leadership development, or water science and policy analysis? Contact us.
Are you planning, designing, or implementing on-the-ground restoration projects that will restore river flows and/or recharge ground water? Would you like the opportunity to share your projects with businesses who may be interested in providing support for your projects? If the answer is “Yes!” be sure to check out the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank, an opportunity for paid members of River Network to use a national platform to attract funding.
Support a Grassroots Organization
As a network, we gather strength through our connections—through shared ideas, shared resources, and a supportive community that understands the challenges of our work. Now, you can help a new organization connect and grow (for not one but two years!) by sponsoring a full-benefits membership. Starting this month, sponsored full-benefits memberships will be DOUBLED by a generous donor. Sponsor today at the $200 level to support grassroots organizations.
What We’re Reading
Pacific Institute Studies Explore Benefits of Stormwater, an Under-Utilized Resource. Download the report.