River Voices: July 2018

Welcome to the July 2018 edition of River Voices. Learn about the four key issues that will unite our network in collaborative work over the next 5 years, meet River Network’s President Nicole Silk, and (yes, already!) read our call for River Rally 2019 workshop proposals. Plus, find funding, search jobs, and share the Water Protectors Map with your community.
See Our Network’s Future in Four Key Issues
During the past year, we have asked our network—including local NGOs and organizations, supporters, and partners—what can we do to align our network for greater impact and influence. With growing numbers of Americans at risk of losing affordable drinking water as well as increasing social and economic insecurity due to floods and droughts, and more than half of our rivers in poor health, today’s water crisis informs our network’s path forward. During our strategic planning process, a set of key issues emerged. Read about the issues that rose to the top. Then, join an upcoming conversation with River Network.
In The News
River Network supports local water stewardship through business partnerships. Learn about River Network’s collaboration with local groups for World Environment Day in this Q&A with Katja Zastrow, vice president of corporate social responsibility for Anheuser Busch. Read the article.
Call for Workshops!
Do you have a proven approach or innovation that could help achieve healthy rivers and engage communities in solving water problems? The call for workshop proposals is now open for River Rally 2019 (June 21-24, Cleveland, OH). Read the guidelines and submit a workshop proposal here.
Meet Our Team
Meet Nicole Silk, River Network’s President. Nicole joined River Network in 2014 and believes strongly in the role of local champions and river enthusiasts in creating a future of clean and ample water for people and nature. Read more about Nicole’s work.
To move beyond crisis, we must work together across all sectors (agriculture, municipal, industry, energy, recreation, and conservation) to define a new path forward.
–River Network Strategic Plan 2018-2022: The Power of Our Network
Upcoming Webinars & Events
Rain Barrel Workshops
Various dates, summer 2018. River Network and our member groups across the U.S. host Project Rain Barrel workshops, and other events and trainings related to restoring healthy rivers and clean water. Events are open to the public. Get your community involved and see workshops by location.
50th Anniversary Rivers & Trails Communications
July 19, 1:00–2:00 pm MDT. As we commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the National Trails System and Wild and Scenic River Acts, it’s important to spread the word about related events and projects. Join experts for this webinar about best practices for traditional and social media. Free. Register.
21st Annual Yuba River Clean-up
September 15, 9:00 am–5:00 pm PST. Join SYRCL and the community for the 21st Annual Yuba River Cleanup. We have nearly 90 miles of rivers, creeks and shoreline to cover in just one day and we need your help keeping our local rivers trash free. Learn more about this and other clean-up events.
Share or Embed the Water Protectors Map
Visit the map. Is your group not yet on the map? Submit an application for free membership today.
Did you know that you can share or embed our Water Protectors Map into your communications or website? Grow support for water work in your community with this map! Whether you’re part of one of the 6,000+ water organizations on the map or a concerned citizen, you can help your community get involved.
Here’s how:
In the toolbar on the left-hand side panel, select the more tools drop-down (far right).
- Select “Share” from the drop-down.
- Copy the link code to share the map on social media or in communications.
– OR –
- Copy the embed code to embed the map on your website.
- Paste the code into a standard html iframe within a new page on your website.
River Network 30th Anniversary: Anonymous Donor Doubles Donations
In honor of River Network’s 30th Anniversary, gifts up to $10,000 will be matched by a generous supporter. All donations, of any amount, help us expand the network and grow the tools, training, and resources we provide to our members. If you or someone you know would like to contribute toward the 30th Anniversary match, please donate here.
Planning a Restoration Project? Get Funded
Are you planning, designing, or implementing on-the-ground restoration projects that will restore river flows and/or recharge ground water? Would you like the opportunity to share your projects with businesses who may be interested in providing support for your projects? If the answer is “Yes!” be sure to check out the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank, a new opportunity for paid members of River Network to use a national platform to attract funding.
Careers & Professional Opportunities
Check out our network’s job board for the latest water-stewardship career opportunities. Have a job to post? Submit a job here.
Funding Opportunities
Paid River Network members enjoy this premium benefit! Submit projects to the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank. Learn more.
River-Science Connection
Do you need science or technical support? River Network members can post detailed requests at the River Science Connection. Get paired with the right resource.
Contact Us
Are you looking for training in water stewardship, organization leadership development, or water science and policy analysis? Contact us.