River Voices: June 2018

Welcome to the June 2018 edition of River Voices. This issue features results from our long-standing World Environment Day (celebrated this year on June 5th) partnership with Anheuser-Busch, plus an introduction to Zak Lance, River Network’s Community Engagement Manager. Check out funding opportunities for River Network members, plus the latest webinars and resources.
Nearly One Million Pounds of Trash Removed at River Network/Anheuser-Busch Clean-ups
Since 2010, River Network has partnered with Anheuser-Busch to produce the company’s World Environment Day series of employee and community volunteer events. River Network has supported a total of 150 volunteer events with Anheuser-Busch staff and local member groups since the World Environment Day program began in 2010. Over the last eight years, events have been a tremendous success with nearly one million pounds of trash removed from river, lakes, and beaches and over 62,000 trees and plants planted. Nearly 54,000 volunteers have participated. Read more about how these clean-ups engage communities and bring funding to River Network member groups.
Youth Engagement News
By working with youth and offering employment and training services, Groundwork has engaged youth involved in improving historical sites, parks, and waterways near Southeast Washington, DC. Read about how these programs are introducing youth to the outdoors and careers in science and conservation.
Are You On the Map?
River Network’s NEW searchable water protectors map helps communities and local water supporters connect to you. Link to it, share it on social media, and embed it on your website! (If you’re not already on the map, please sign up for a free River Network membership to be included.)
Meet Our Team
Meet Zak Lance, River Network’s Community Engagement Manager. Zak coordinates corporate and community partnerships, including Project Rain Barrel and the World Environment Day volunteer events, providing resources and guidance for projects across the U.S. Read more about Zak’s work.
It was great to be able help out the community where we live and work and gain a better understanding of how to develop areas like these.
–Matt Fleetwood, World Environment Day Event Organizer, Tempe, AZ
Anonymous Donor Doubles Donations to River Network—Thank You!
In honor of River Network’s 30th Anniversary, gifts up to $10,000 will be matched by a generous supporter. All donations, of any amount, help us expand the network and grow the tools, training, and resources we provide to our members. If you or someone you know would like to contribute toward the 30th Anniversary match, please donate here.
Congrats to River Network–Patagonia Wild & Scenic River Grant Winners

Credit: Bob Wick
This October marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. In the past half century, over 12,000 miles of 200+ rivers have been designated wild and scenic, affording extra protection to some of the country’s most spectacular and valued river stretches. Federal agencies are tasked with managing these rivers on federal lands, but they rely on engaged and knowledgeable citizen groups to bring management plans into reality and to take the lead on partnership rivers. River Network and Patagonia are supporting local groups doing vital work now to protect these rivers. Read about their projects here.
Upcoming Webinars & Events
Protecting Southeastern Freshwater Biodiversity
June 14, 2:00–3:00 pm EST. The Southeastern United States is a global hotspot of freshwater biodiversity. Unfortunately, this region is also a hotspot for imperilment. Learn about the Southeastern Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. This is a free webinar. Register.
Telling Your Story for Broader Impact
June 19, 1:00–2:15 pm EST. Learn effective storytelling techniques for engaging community, with insights from two organizations that used storytelling to spur community action. This is a premium webinar open to paid River Network members only. Register here.
21st Annual Yuba River Clean-up
September 15, 9:00 am–5:00 pm PST. Join SYRCL and the community for the 21st Annual Yuba River Cleanup. We have nearly 90 miles of rivers, creeks and shoreline to cover in just one day and we need your help keeping our local rivers trash free. Learn more about this and other clean-up events.
Planning a Restoration Project? Get Funded
Are you planning, designing, or implementing on-the-ground restoration projects that will restore river flows and/or recharge ground water? Would you like the opportunity to share your projects with businesses who may be interested in providing support for your projects? If the answer is “Yes!” be sure to check out the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank, a new opportunity for paid members of River Network to use a national platform to attract funding.
Careers & Professional Opportunities
Check out our network’s job board for the latest water-stewardship career opportunities. Have a job to post? Submit a job here.
Funding Opportunities
Paid River Network members enjoy this premium benefit! Submit projects to the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank. Learn more.
River-Science Connection
Do you need science or technical support? River Network members can post detailed requests at the River Science Connection. Get paired with the right resource.
Contact Us
Are you looking for training in water stewardship, organization leadership development, or water science and policy analysis? Contact us.