River Voices: May 2019

Welcome to the May 2019 edition of River Voices, announcing the launch of the Drinking Water Guide: A Resource for Advocates. Plus, meet Jumana Vasi, a River Network board member and core contributor to the Drinking Water Guide, and see River Rally 2019 highlights, including an opportunity to join the Urban Waters Learning Forum.

A Drinking Water Guide for All
Five years ago, Flint’s drinking water contamination crisis captured national attention. Since then public awareness about drinking water has grown, as water issues impacting the health and economic well-being of communities across the country continue. And yet a gap remains between awareness and the ability to advocate effectively for clean, safe, affordable drinking water. This is why River Network has just launched its comprehensive Drinking Water Guide: A Resource for Advocates, supported by the C.S. Mott Foundation and guided by a Great Lakes–based Advisory Committee. Because drinking water sources, systems, and safeguards can be complex and difficult to understand, the Drinking Water Guide provides in-depth information and resources in straightforward terms, with easy-to-understand illustrations.
Read more about the guide, download your free copy, and then forward it to a friend! Visit rivernetwork.org/drinking-water-guide.
Meet Our Team
Meet Jumana Vasi, River Network board member and contributor to our Drinking Water Guide. As the principal at JVasi Consulting, she advises nonprofit clients on environmental advocacy strategies, building organizational capacity, and implementing equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives. Read more about Jumana’s work.
Rally Highlights
River Rally is just over a month away! The program has many highlights, including keynote speaker Keesha Gaskins-Nathan on Water and Democracy, plus plenary panels Cuyahoga River: From Flame to Fame; Water Equity, Security, and Climate Risk; and The Changing Face of Agriculture. Register at early-bird pricing before May 15th!
Join Our Team
River Network is HIRING! River Network seeks a talented marketing and communications professional with nonprofit experience to join our team on a full time basis. The Marketing and Communications Manager will work with every person on the River Network team to help build a more diverse and inclusive movement for our nation’s waters. Apply today.
New Resource for Stream Management Plans
River Network and the Colorado Water Conservation Board are excited to announce the launch of a Resource Guide for developing Stream Management Plans! Coloradosmp.org will advance knowledge of how to craft effective and implementable SMPs. The site currently features a “101” on SMPs to answer basic questions and fact sheets on all SMP projects. It will also include examples, best practices, and methods to consider to help you develop thorough and rigorous scopes of work, learn from the examples of others, and connect with experts for guidance. Go to coloradosmp.org.
Meet Our Network: Stephen Hawkins
From urban water advocates to wild and scenic river champions, we are lucky to know and work with local heroes who safeguard water for our communities.
We invite you to meet Stephen Hawkins, an ordained American Baptist minister in Milwaukee working to inspire and support people of all faiths to care for the Earth based on their own sacred teachings. Click here to meet Stephen Hawkins.
Urban Waters at River Rally
Join us at the Urban Waters Learning Forum at River Rally. River Network and Groundwork USA will host the Urban Waters Learning Forum on Friday before River Rally begins. We will host a racial-equity workshop, plus offer facilitated networking and present the Third Annual Urban Waters Learning Network Awards.
See participants talking about the Urban Waters Learning Network at River Rally.
Webinars & Resources
Understanding Gentrification and Displacement: The Path to Equitable Development
May 15, 12:00–1:30 pm EST. The first in a series hosted by the Urban Waters Learning Network, this webinar aims to frame the topics of gentrification and displacement as well as provide an example of the types of multi-sector partnerships that urban waters practitioners can create to ease displacement pressures. Register.
Resource: The Greening STEM Learning Center
The Greening STEM Learning Center provides a portal for formal and informal educators, parents, and others to connect with resources and tools vital in engaging learners of all ages in environmental education. Go to the Learning Center.
Member News & Tips
Are you planning, designing, or implementing on-the-ground restoration projects that will restore river flows and/or recharge ground water? Would you like the opportunity to share your projects with businesses who may be interested in providing support for your projects? If the answer is “Yes!” be sure to check out the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank, an opportunity for paid members of River Network to use a national platform to attract funding.
Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Turns 25!
Chattahoochee Riverkeeper in Atlanta is celebrating 25 years of championing clean water, protecting and improving the health of people, fish, and wildlife. Learn more.
Careers & Professional Opportunities
Check out our network’s job board for the latest water-stewardship career opportunities. Have a job to post? Submit a job here.
Funding Opportunities
Paid River Network members enjoy this premium benefit! Submit projects to the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank. Learn more.
Contact Us
Are you looking for training in water stewardship, organizational leadership development, or water science and policy analysis? Contact us.
As a network, we gather strength through our connections—through shared ideas, shared resources, and a supportive community that understands the challenges of our work. Now, you can help a new organization connect and grow (for not one but two years!) by sponsoring a full-benefits membership. Starting this month, sponsored full-benefits memberships will be DOUBLED by a generous donor. Sponsor today at the $200 level to support grassroots organizations.