River Voices: September 2018

Welcome to the September 2018 edition of River Voices. Join us as we review our journey to increase equity, diversity, and inclusion in the movement for our waters. Meet some inspiring champions in our growing network. Plus, sign up for September learning opportunities and webinars. Reminder: River Rally 2019 workshop proposals are due October 1!
Our Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Journey
Over the past few years, River Network has been on a journey with our organization, our team, and our wider community to create a bigger, more diverse, and more inclusive movement for our waters. What has changed in recent years is that considerations of equity, diversity, and inclusion are no longer an afterthought or something that we need to “add on.” They are part of how we do our work at every level of our organization. To remain socially relevant, we must evolve our organizations to become more diverse and our work to become both more inclusive and more open to exploring the challenges of equity. Our journey is by no means complete. In many ways it has just begun. In this issue of River Voices, we offer reflections on our journey so far as encouragement. Read more on our blog.
Meet Our Team
Meet April Ingle, River Network’s Science and Policy Associate. April has a passion for protecting and enjoying rivers and assisting people who are working together to protect and strengthen their communities and the places they love. Read more about April’s work.
Proposals Due Oct 1
Do you have a proven approach or innovation that could help achieve healthy rivers and engage communities in solving water problems? The call for workshop proposals is now open for River Rally 2019 (June 21-24, Cleveland, OH). Read the guidelines and submit a workshop proposal here.
Healing With Rivers
To bring healing to veterans and uplift underserved youth, Chad Brown founded Soul River, Inc. The program provides access to the crown jewels of our public lands system and develops leadership in vets and youth to defend at-risk public lands and waters. Read Chad’s story.
If you pay attention and stay quiet enough, you can begin to understand the layout of nature and the pieces she’s giving you. It’s different for everybody. Fly fishing taps into so many pieces: heart, science, conservation, adventure and the ritual of hunting. It’s not about the fish we catch. It’s about that something else you’re casting for.
–Chad Brown, Soul River, Inc., “Essential Medicine for Veterans and Youth: Wild & Scenic Rivers.”
Meet Our Network
From urban water advocates to wild and scenic river champions, we are lucky to know and work with these local heroes who safeguard water for our families and communities.
We invite you to get to know some outstanding water champions taking action for clean water and healthy rivers from coast to coast. Click here to meet our network.
Who Protects Water?
Grow support for water work in your community with our Water Protectors Map. Whether you’re part of one of the 6,000+ water organizations on the map or a concerned citizen, you can help your community get involved.
Is your group not yet on the map? Submit an application for free membership today.
Thank You 2018 Project Rain Barrel Hosts!
2018 marks the seventh successful year of Project Rain Barrel, River Network’s program to connect member groups with free materials and support for hosting educational rain barrel making workshops. Thirty-two different local organizations including Kenai Watershed Forum and Flint River Watershed Collation helped build 1,250 rain barrels from recycled materials at 63 workshops across 21 states this year. Hosting a rain barrel workshop is an easy way to spark water conversations while providing residents with simple tools for conservation. Learn more about hosting a Project Rain Barrel workshop and like the Facebook page for the latest workshop updates.
Upcoming Webinars & Events
Water Trails 101
September 11, 2:00-3:00 pm EST. Join the National Water Trails Learning Network to explore phases of water trail development, discuss challenges and successes, and see a case study of a successful national water trail. The webinar will provide tools and water trail best management practices. Free. Sign up.
Success With Stormwater Fees
September 12, 12:00–1:30 pm MST. Join EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center and the Water Environment Federation for this webinar which will provide successful and leading-edge examples of how communities have supported their stormwater programs using stormwater fees. Free. Register here.
Cool Fixes for Hot Cities
September 12, 2:00-3:30pm EST. EPA’s Cool Fixes for Hot Cities webcast series will cover Los Angeles’ Cool Streets pilot project and other heat island reduction measures. The innovative pilot is in progress on 15 blocks throughout the city and is already generating benefits. Free. Register.
Communicating the State of Your River
September 25, 2:00–3:15 pm EST. This webinar will present two different approaches to clearly communicate the state of your river and basin with various stakeholders including recreational users: basin report cards and the Swim Guide. Free. Register here.
Member News & Tips
Are you planning, designing, or implementing on-the-ground restoration projects that will restore river flows and/or recharge ground water? Would you like the opportunity to share your projects with businesses who may be interested in providing support for your projects? If the answer is “Yes!” be sure to check out the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank, a new opportunity for paid members of River Network to use a national platform to attract funding.
The Fundraising Plan
In this webinar excerpt, River Network staff explain the basic elements of a fundraising plan and why you should have one. This webinar short was taken from our premium webinar series for River Network Paid Members: Leadership Development Institute – Fundraising Essentials. Watch the video.
Imagine a Day Without Water
October 10th is Imagine a Day Without Water, the fourth annual day to raise awareness and educate America about the value of water. Across the country water agencies, schools, nonprofits, and local businesses will host events, call on elected officials, and engage networks on social media. Sign up and find resources here.
Writing Your Case for Support
In this webinar short River Network staff explain the basic elements of a case for support and why you should have one. This webinar short is part of our Leadership Development Institute – Fundraising Essentials Series. Watch the video.
Careers & Professional Opportunities
Check out our network’s job board for the latest water-stewardship career opportunities. Have a job to post? Submit a job here.
Funding Opportunities
Paid River Network members enjoy this premium benefit! Submit projects to the Business for Water Stewardship Project Bank. Learn more.
Contact Us
Are you looking for training in water stewardship, organization leadership development, or water science and policy analysis? Contact us.